Nepon Auto http://www.neponauto.comWhen it comes time to getting cars , trucks and SUVs detailed to get them onto the dealership lot – and profitably time is everything. Its not only a question of getting the tires heading off the lot onto the road quickly – but also at a good and fair price for the auto buyer [...]
Nepon Auto http://www.neponauto.comIt used to be said that I have four friends – what, when , where and how. Auto sales and questions to ask on the truck or car dealership lot follow this road-plan as well. Not that there should be road kill. Yet its often a variation on the other basic theme. This is what [...]
Nepon Auto http://www.neponauto.comAuto dealers – both new & used car lots – do social media sites and marketing make sense for the sales and promotions of automobiles and automotive service products ? Sure marketing and promotion on the likes of Twitter , Facebook , Linkedin and the like are trendy and state of the art. Add in [...]
Automotive passkey systems basic operation and information on replacement keys. The passkey system reduces vehicle theft and lowers car insurance rates.
Nepon Auto http://www.neponauto.comYet is social marketing the new “Dope Group” on the block or road so to speak ? People spend hours and hours doing what on Facebook Google+ etc. Etc etc etc may seem to be the case. Just what are people doing on these social networks ? Its like the new TV of our days [...]
Nepon Auto http://www.neponauto.comSocial media is the buzz word and buzz-words in the world of marketing and sales. Friends , friends and more facebook friends. Yet if you were stopped by the side of the road with a flat tire and needed service – would anyone of your “friends ” stop by and assist you in changing your [...]